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Perl Mason2 passing arrays and hashes

I'm trying to use Mason2 with Dancer and trivial cases like passing string to the template are working fine:

get '/foo', sub {
    template 'foo' => {
        title => 'bar'
    <h1><% $.title %></h1>

So, this is working. Troubles started when I wanted to pass things like hashes or arrays to the template. And when I pass this array to the template:

template 'index', {  cats=> [{id=>1,title=>'Cat1'},{id=>2,title=>'Cat2'}]};

And set args in the template to


I cannot loop through this array like this:

% foreach my $cat ($.cats){
<li><% $cat %></li>
% } 

$cat object is the same as $.cats object, an array. I'm not sure what I did wrong.



  • Borodin is exactly right. $.cats is an array reference; to loop through the elements, you have to dereference it:

    % foreach my $cat ( @{$.cats} ) {
      <li><% $cat->{title} %></li>
    % }



    Note that <% $cat %> evaluates $cat in scalar context and outputs it; since $cat is a hash reference, this will output something like HASH(0x4b9fad8). To output items from the hash, you have to access them by key, e.g. <% $cat->{id} %>.