I'm currently trying to access, through my marketing app, all the insights of my ads/campaings/ads account (clicks,impressions,etc). The tokens I generate has permissions for ads_management
and manage_pages
Nevertheless, I always get this answer:
(I get that response after I post something like
curl -G \
-d "fields=impressions" \
-d "access_token=my_access_token" \
And then make a get using the report id, when the report id is completed)
I added my account as admin of the app and also added it in the Authorized Ad Account IDs list.
My app has development level access.
What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure you had impressions recently?
Because I observe similar thing when try to access it with default date_preset
that is 30 days:
> get "act_*****/insights", "impressions"
=> []
> get "act_*****/insights?date_preset=lifetime", "impressions"
=> ["11"]