I need to write a predicate CleanList/3
in Prolog by using dcg which parses a list and returns a new list with the same numbers but all elements that are not a number removed.
For an example:
?- cleanList([1,2,d,67,3.2,'CSI2120',foo,5],LL).
LL = [1, 2, 67, 3.2, 5].
I wrote the base case and struggling to implement DCG with the recursive case. Can someone help me with this?
Base Case:
cleanList(L,LL) :- cleanList(LL,L,[]),!.
You could start by defining the base case like:
cleanlist([]) --> [].
which is pretty simple, all it does is returning empty list when the argument to cleanlist/1
is empty list.
You can also define the clause:
cleanlist([H|T]) --> ( {number(H)} -> [H], cleanlist(T) ; cleanlist(T) ).
which keeps the head of the lists H iff it is a number and call recursively cleanlist/1
?- phrase( cleanlist([1]) ,L ).
L = [1].
?- phrase( cleanlist([1,3]) ,L ).
L = [1, 3].
?- phrase( cleanlist([1,2,a,c,3]) ,L ).
L = [1, 2, 3].
?- phrase( cleanlist([1,2,a,c,3,m,k,l,o,"ABC",12]) ,L ).
L = [1, 2, 3, 12].
?- phrase( cleanlist([a,b]) ,L ).
L = [].
?- phrase( cleanlist([A,1,b]) ,L ).
L = [1].