I make a HTTP GET request to Facebook to have a long live token , as a response I have a plain text with the access token and expiration date , but I don't know how to parse it.
request.get('https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=' + APP_ID + '&client_secret=' + APP_SECRET + '&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=' + CURRENT_ACCESS_TOKEN)
.on('data', function(data) {
console.log("body= " + data);
I tried data.access_token but it's undefined
Go through this documentation to get working with the lates 2.8
API (recommended). This will return a JSON response.
If you want to continue using your API then to parse your response which is in the form of url query params -
access_token=(the token)&expires=5166486 // data
You can do this -
var qs = require('qs');
var response = qs.parse(data); // assuming data is as mentioned above
console.log(response); // will print {access_token: (the token), expires: 5166486}
Now you can access the token like this -