I have a project which it's structure it's based on the pitftmenu. I have created mine and by calling each py file separately everything looks to work smoothly. If you notice on the pitftmenu there is a menu file which kind of links each py file (menu) together and you can switch to one another. I have created mine according to my needs but when I call sudo ./menu on the console, the console says it does not exist. It used to work but, I was experimenting with something else on my raspberry Pi, and I had to reinstall rasbian. I moved back my files and installed "all the packages" I needed. My only issue is that and I dont know why. It is worth to be mentioned that if I run the menu file on the pitftmenu folder it is working. Any ideas?
As spectras said - It's not executable. If it should be, mark it as such with chmod a+x menu
Credits to spectras for the solution