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Sort using dynamic LINQ on a complex object

I have a list of Objects on which I use dynamic LINQ to perform sorting.

The object is like this,

public class SampleDTO
        public string Vendor { get; set;}
        public string Invoice { get; set; }


And I use Dynamic Linq library to sort this,

var list= new List<SampleDTO>();

This works fine if I pass a sort key with a valid property name of the list ( e.g. Vendor )

The problem is, how to do this for a complex object.

Assume I have a another object which is a property of the SampleDTO

public class SampleDTO
        public string Vendor { get; set;}
        public string Invoice { get; set; }
        public OtherDTO OtherDTO{get;set; }


public class OtherDTO 
        public string LineId{ get; set;}


And if I want to make the sorting dynamic enough so that I should be able to sort from a direct property of the SampleDTO or on a property of a OtherDTO ( e.g need to sort on OtherDTO.LineId )

What are the possible ways of achieving this?



  • You can do this:
