The way I used to do this was to run this function
import bson
def has_binary(d):
if type(d)==bson.Binary:
return True
if type(d)==dict:
for k,v in d.iteritems():
if has_binary(v):
return True
return False
This no longer works, because the bson library has no attribute 'binary'
you appear to be using a 3rd party py-bson, perhaps due to pip install bson
rather than mongodb supported python-bson pip install pymongo
Note install:
PyMongo can be installed with pip:
$ python -m pip install pymongo
Do not install the “bson” package. PyMongo comes with its own bson package; doing “easy_install bson” installs a third-party package that is incompatible with PyMongo.
You can either switch to the mongodb version of bson and your function will simply work, or change your is_binary function to accommodate the fact that pybson decodes everything to strings in python2 and bytes in python3.