In order to use the delayed-exchange I am sending by "int:gateway" messages to RabbitMq with this method:
void send(@Payload Notification request, @Header(MessageProperties.X_DELAY) Integer delay, @Header("routingKey") String routingKey);
I can see in RabbitMQ that the headers appear correctly: x-delay: -60000
But, how can I get this header when I receive this message from RabbitMQ?
So far I am receiving the object that I was previously sending as a Json but if I try to get the header I am getting an Exception.
integration.xml file:
<!-- Producing service -->
<int:gateway id="gateway" default-request-channel="producingChannel" service-interface="Gateway"/>
<!-- Producing service -->
<!-- Service => RabbitMQ (Producing) -->
<int:chain input-channel="producingChannel">
<int-amqp:outbound-channel-adapter exchange-name="${queuing.notifications-exchange}" routing-key-expression="headers.routingKey" mapped-request-headers="*"/>
<!-- Service => RabbitMQ (Producing) -->
Gateway in java file:
void send(@Payload Notification request, @Header(MessageProperties.X_DELAY) Integer delay, @Header("routingKey") String routingKey);
integration.xml file:
<!-- RabbitMQ => Service (Consuming) -->
<int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter channel="consumingChannel" queue-names="${queuing.operator.queue}" concurrent-consumers="${queuing.concurrent-consumers}" prefetch-count="${queuing.prefetch-count}" mapped-request-headers="*" error-channel="errorChannel" />
<!-- RabbitMQ => Service (Consuming) -->
<!-- Routing -->
<int:chain input-channel="consumingChannel">
<int:json-to-object-transformer type="Notification"/>
<int:service-activator ref="workingService" method="processNotificationFromQueue"/>
<!-- Routing -->
WorkingService in java file:
public void processNotificationFromQueue(Notification notification,
@Header(MessageProperties.X_DELAY) Integer delay) { ...
The exception is thrown here:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: required header not available: x-delay
You have to use AmqpHeaders.RECEIVED_DELAY
Since you use correct mapped-request-headers="*"
the default DefaultAmqpHeaderMapper
maps properly :
Integer receivedDelay = amqpMessageProperties.getReceivedDelay();
if (receivedDelay != null) {
headers.put(AmqpHeaders.RECEIVED_DELAY, receivedDelay);