I have been successfully able to concat arrays of single words into strings for to_tsquery but phraseto_tsquery in postgres 9.6 only allows one keyword phrase. Does anyone know of a solution to query a tsvector (whether in Sql or full-text-search features) in such a way where I can (OR/AND) a dynamic amount of phrases into a query. The select blocks are all arrays of text.
First tries:
SELECT to_tsvector('english','Try not to become a man of successful companies, but rather try to become a man of value')
@@ (to_tsquery('english','man & become')
&& phraseto_tsquery('english','man of value')
&& phraseto_tsquery('english','company')
|| phraseto_tsquery('english', 'company | man of value')
Example of the real world problem searching for animals:
-- with statements here of opp_tsv and tp
tp.keywords, --['giraffes','lions', 'monkeys']
tp.phrase_keywords, --['pygmy marmocet','African Lion']
tp.neg_keywords, --['aliens', 'spaceships', 'space']
tp.neg_phrase_keywords --['Andromedan Alien', 'Nibiru Reptilian']
FROM tp, opp_tsv,
-- string logic for ts_query
concat(array_to_string(tp.keywords, ' | ')) AS kws_concat,
concat(array_to_string(tp.neg_keywords, ' | ')) AS neg_kws_concat,
to_tsquery('english', kws_concat) query,
to_tsquery('english', concat(neg_kws_concat)) neg_query
-- Case logic for phrase queries
-- .... -> phrase_query,
phraseto_tsquery('phrase to search | Need this phrase too')
-- .... -> phrase_neg_query,
opp_tsv.doc @@ query --pos
opp_tsv.doc @@ phrase_query --pos
opp_tsv.doc @@ neg_query --neg
opp_tsv.doc @@ phrase_neg_query --neg
ORDER BY rank_cd DESC;
Thoughts: generate dynamically according to array length
opp_tsv.doc @@ (phrase_query || phrase_query2)
or achieve this somehow
opp_tsv.doc @@ phraseto_tsquery('big messy phrase | more messy wordphrases')
SELECT phraseto_tsquery('phrase to search | Need this phrase too')
result = 'phrase' <-> 'to' <-> 'search' <-> 'need' <-> 'this' <-> 'phrase' <-> 'too'
What I am looking for is the result of 'phrase<->to<->search' | 'need<->this<->phrase<->too'
You can define your own aggregate over tsquery
's or (||
) operator:
CREATE AGGREGATE tsquery_or_agg(tsquery) (
SFUNC = tsquery_or,
STYPE = tsquery
Note: the aggregate above relies on the fact that tsquery
's ||
operator is backed by the tsquery_or(tsquery, tsquery)
function. You can check that with:
FROM pg_operator
WHERE oprname = '||'
AND oprleft = regtype 'tsquery'
AND oprright = regtype 'tsquery';
If you don't want to rely on this (undocumented) function's name (even if it's unlikely to be changed), you can create your own function to serve as the base function (SFUNC
) for your aggregate:
CREATE FUNCTION my_tsquery_or(tsquery, tsquery)
RETURNS tsquery
AS 'SELECT $1 || $2';
After that, your query will be something like:
WITH tp(id, keywords, phrase_keywords, neg_keywords, neg_phrase_keywords ) AS (
VALUES (42, ARRAY['giraffes', 'lions', 'monkeys']::text[],
ARRAY['pygmy marmocet', 'African Lion']::text[],
ARRAY['aliens', 'spaceships', 'space']::text[],
ARRAY['Andromedan Alien', 'Nibiru Reptilian']::text[])
tq(id, query) AS (
SELECT tp.id,
(((SELECT tsquery_or_agg(plainto_tsquery(kw)) FROM unnest(keywords) kw) ||
(SELECT tsquery_or_agg(phraseto_tsquery(pk)) FROM unnest(phrase_keywords) pk)) &&
!!((SELECT tsquery_or_agg(plainto_tsquery(nk)) FROM unnest(neg_keywords) nk) ||
(SELECT tsquery_or_agg(phraseto_tsquery(np)) FROM unnest(neg_phrase_keywords) np)))
opp_tsv(doc) AS (
VALUES (to_tsvector('Earth''s African Lions')),
(to_tsvector('Andromedan Alien''s space monkeys'))
SELECT tp.id,
FROM opp_tsv, tp
JOIN tq USING (id)
WHERE opp_tsv.doc @@ tq.query
ORDER BY ts_rank_cd(opp_tsv.doc, tq.query) DESC;
Also, if fields in tp
can contain phrases like 'big messy phrase | more messy wordphrases'
, then you didn't split your input properly in the first place. You can split such phrases/keywords with the regexp_split_to_table()
function. With that, the tq
CTE should look something like:
tq(id, query) AS (
SELECT tp.id,
(((SELECT tsquery_or_agg(plainto_tsquery(kw)) FROM unnest(keywords) kwb, regexp_split_to_table(kwb, '\|') kw) ||
(SELECT tsquery_or_agg(phraseto_tsquery(pk)) FROM unnest(phrase_keywords) pkb, regexp_split_to_table(pkb, '\|') pk)) &&
!!((SELECT tsquery_or_agg(plainto_tsquery(nk)) FROM unnest(neg_keywords) nkb, regexp_split_to_table(nkb, '\|') nk) ||
(SELECT tsquery_or_agg(phraseto_tsquery(np)) FROM unnest(neg_phrase_keywords) npb, regexp_split_to_table(npb, '\|') np)))