So, over the past week I have looked at loading multiple galleries at once. I have been working in MeteorJS with blaze templates but, the methods I am using aren't working.
Essentially, all my data comes from multiple MongoDB collections which are organized in one main collection. When the website starts, I want to access the list of current collections and for each collection display a gallery of photos.
(Main Photo Page)
{{#each collections}}
{{>gallery collectionName=collectionName}}
(Gallery Template)
<Template name="gallery">
I have tried using a reusable blaze template that is fed the data and then runs a helper to display the images. It works, but I am having trouble loading only one template/collection at a time. I want to load one first, when that is done, load the next etc.
I have also wondered about using ReactJS for this with MeteorJS on the backend, but before I start, I'm wondering about how easy is it to load components one by one vs templates?
Thanks for any ideas or help!
You could try merging the cursors in a helper, instead of inside the template. This will force the order you like and still be reactive since the find
is in a reactive context (the helper).
<Template name="gallery">
{{#each getPhotos}}
<img src="{{this.src}}">
let mergedCursor = [];
for (collectionObject in Template.currentData().collections){
//not clear how you are getting the collections
return mergedCursor;
You could also import the collections in the same js file and merge them directly.