I have the code below, in the OnClick event on a button that is located on a form. The code does the following:
In the sub form Forms! FrmFScomposition! PRODUCAO! [Prod_Cena_Guiao] (with an OLE object) I have a list of word documents, this list is updated with the help of a combobox. The code makes a Loop for all the documents and copies them to another sub form Forms! FrmFScomposition! SubfrmKitCenas! [FSKitCenasOLE], these documents are all in one. The code works fine, even if you repeat the process with the SAME data loaded. But when I choose another set of texts in the combobox, I get error 462, the first time I try the operation, but when I try again, the code works again. I'm tired of trying different possibilities, but I can not find a solution. Can someone help me or indicate something I'm missing? Below I will post the two subs that I am using. Thank you in advance for your attention.
code on button:
Private Sub Command54_Click()
Call DoResetKit
Dim FirstTime As Integer
FirstTime = 1
Me.FirstTimeBox = FirstTime
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToFirst
For f = 1 To Forms!frmFScomposicao!PRODUCAO![tiroliro]
Call CompilarKitDiaGravacao
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNext
Next f
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToFirst
End Sub
Code on first UDF
Public Sub CompilarKitDiaGravacao()
Dim CenasParaRecolha As Object
Dim DocumentoDestino As Object
Set CenasParaRecolha = Forms!frmFScomposicao!PRODUCAO![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Object.Application.WordBasic
Forms!frmFScomposicao!PRODUCAO![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Action = acOLEActivate
With CenasParaRecolha
End With
Set CenasParaRecolha = Nothing
If Forms!frmFScomposicao.FirstTimeBox = 1 Then
' Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Action = acOLEPaste
Set DocumentoDestino = Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Object.Application.WordBasic
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Action = acOLEActivate
With DocumentoDestino
Selection.EndKey wdStory
Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakContinuous
Selection.PasteAndFormat wdPasteDefault
End With
Set DocumentoDestino = Nothing
Forms!frmFScomposicao!FirstTimeBox = Forms!frmFScomposicao!FirstTimeBox + 1
Set DocumentoDestino = Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Object.Application.WordBasic
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Action = acOLEActivate
With DocumentoDestino
Selection.EndKey wdStory
Selection.InsertBreak 'Type:=wdSectionBreakContinuous
Selection.PasteAndFormat wdPasteDefault
End With
Set DocumentoDestino = Nothing
Forms!frmFScomposicao!FirstTimeBox = Forms!frmFScomposicao!FirstTimeBox + 1
End If
'Set CenasParaRecolha = Nothing
'Set DocumentoDestino = Nothing
End Sub
Code on second UDF
Public Sub DoResetKit()
Dim ResetKit As Object
Set ResetKit = Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Object.Application.WordBasic
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmKitCenas![FSKitCenasOLE].Action = acOLEActivate
With ResetKit.Selection
End With
Set ResetKit = Nothing
End Sub
The working code for this is as follows:
Button Code:
Private Sub Command61_Click()
Dim ServerWordFS As Object
Set ServerWordFS = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Dim FirstTime As Integer
FirstTime = 1
For LoopCenasKit = 1 To Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![tiroliro]
If FirstTime = 1 Then
Me.FirstTimeBox = FirstTime
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToFirst
Call StartKit
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNext
FirstTime = FirstTime + 1
Call AddKit
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNext
FirstTime = FirstTime + 1
End If
Next LoopCenasKit
End Sub
and two subs to create word doc wherever you want:
Public Sub StartKit()
Dim oAPP As Object
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim cenaspararecolha As Object
Set oAPP = CreateObject(Class:="Word.Application")
With oAPP
.Visible = True
Set oDoc = .Documents.Add
oDoc.SaveAs "C:\Fserv\FolhaServiço", wdFormatDocument
End With
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Action = acOLEActivate
Set cenaspararecolha = Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Object.Application.WordBasic
With cenaspararecolha
End With
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Action = acOLEClose
With oAPP
.Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteRTF
End With
End Sub
Public Sub AddKit()
Dim oAPP As Object
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim cenaspararecolha As Object
Set oAPP = CreateObject(Class:="Word.Application")
With oAPP
.Documents.Open Filename:="C:\Fserv\FolhaServiço.doc"
.Visible = True
.Selection.EndKey wdStory
End With
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Action = acOLEActivate
Set cenaspararecolha = Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Object.Application.WordBasic
With cenaspararecolha
End With
Forms!frmFScomposicao!subfrmFScenas![Prod_Cena_Guiao].Action = acOLEClose
With oAPP
.Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteRTF
Set oDoc = .ActiveDocument
End With
End Sub