I am new to Veins and trying to implement a mechanism to detect if the WSM packet was received before. I am using the "psid" as the main variable to identify the packet - is it correct?
Will this type of code work? :
bool MyVeinsApp::msgReceivedBefore(int psid){
This function will be used to determine if the message was received before
and should be discarded or processed further
if(msg_log.find(psid) == msg_log.end()){
return false
else {
return true;
Here msg.log is a C++ data structure storing WSMs based on psid.
The psid only is an identifier for the service you are using (see WaveShortMessage.msg) and therefore not unique among messages of the same service. To distinguish between messages you need a unique message identifier.
A simple approach would be to use the id which every module in OMNeT++ gets:
UPDATE: Please note that this id also is unique among all messages with the same content (see comment down below).