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NodeJS can't take my DB values for my template

I started to develop a little web site in NodeJS, with admin authentication based on, it work very well.

I can create a user, login with it and see the private page (dashboard). But I have a problem with my template (I'm using Nunjucks), when the admin come to his dashboard I just wan't to show :

logged as : 'admin_username'.

This is my code :

Model :

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  username: String,
  email: String,
  password: String,
  salt: String,
  hash: String

Model definition :

const User = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema)

My route :

router.route('/admin/dashboard', requiredAuthentication)
  .get((req, res) => {
    console.log("################ GET DASHBOARD ##################")
    requiredAuthentication(req, res, function() {
      User.find().then(user => {
        res.render('admin/dashboard.njk', {user: user})
      }).catch(err => {

So I send "user", should be used in my template :

{% extends "base/layout.njk" %}

{% block content %}
 admin:dashboard page <br /><br /><br />

 {% if sessionFlash.message %}
   <div class="{{ sessionFlash.type }}">
     {{ sessionFlash.message }}
 {% endif %}

 You are logged as : {{ user.username }}

{% endblock %}

With user.username I can't get the username. With user only I get the entire document from the DB, username, email, salt, hash.

This is the result of the console.log(user) from the route :

[ { _id: 58c58ad8a5e54c00117ce85b,
username: 'test',
email: 'test',
salt: '/71BBVmr8E3b/HUz8L89IWLV7xM/vG9nvJRGzQYPw4dwR8GICr0kJtGs8dqwNzsMU7yki9aa2WM7C2NRxf/ausw+4kyiLojfugYzdrh+6obBq5HcZPZfQq+djwsTyyd+CDPJ/EmbUQyIL1yM7lRLfkhfrCIZ9P1mJZZM9fv4thw=',
hash: '��F\u0000\u000b ��a�\u001c|A˓P�N&��\u0010�5ajd�7{c �@�mQ����&��W�rW\'�+������\u0013����������N�4�y>/1��R\u001ca>���=U�u<9�T�o" \u000b�����Ʌ^�\u0004\u001f��\u0007�B`A�d���N@M$���',
__v: 0 } ]

Don't know if this is important, there is the two function used for authentication : requiredAuthentication and authenticate :

function authenticate(name, pass, fn) {
if (!module.parent) console.log('authenticating %s:%s', name, pass);

    username: name

function (err, user) {
    if (user) {
        if (err) return fn(new Error('cannot find user'));
        hash(pass, user.salt, function (err, hash) {
            if (err) return fn(err);
            if (hash == user.hash) return fn(null, user);
            fn(new Error('invalid password'));
    } else {
        return fn(new Error('cannot find user'));

function requiredAuthentication(req, res, next) {
  console.log("#### ->REQUIREDAUTHENTICATION() ####")
  if (req.session.user) {
    console.log("#### AUTH NEXT() ####")
  } else {
    console.log("#### AUTH DIE() ####")
    req.session.sessionFlash = {
      type: 'alert alert-success',
      message: 'You can't access the dashboard'

Thanks for helping me, if you wan't additional informations ask me.


  • Looks like that user object is actually an array with 1 item. You can tell by that leading [ in the console.log output. To fix the issue, you can either pass in user[0] to your render function, or add a for loop to your template in case you'll be grabbing multiple users later on.