I want to pass the Input-Value to the function by clicking the Button.
<md-input-container><input mdInput ngDefaultControl [ngModel]="newInput">
<button md-raised-button (click)="newInputValue(newInput)">Update</button>
But the value of newInput in the function newInputValue(..) is always undefined.
In the below link you are using property binding(one way), so you cannot access the variable in the DOM
<md-input-container><input mdInput ngDefaultControl [ngModel]="newInput">
Change the [ngModel]
to [(ngModel)]
<div class="button-row">
<md-input-container><input mdInput #inputVal [ngModel]="newInput">
<button md-raised-button (click)="newInputValue(inputVal.value)">Update</button>
In the above case you will have the value in your method, so your one way databinding remains untouched
LIVE DEMO of second option