So I have been working on this for some time. Would like to know if there is a better way or if I am on the right track.
I would basically like to allow some users to login to my server via SSH and then have a squid tunnel via that SSH connection.
The tricky part however is that I dont want these users to be able to execute ANY commands. I mean NOTHING at all.
So at this stage I have setup a Jail via - jailkit. The specific user is then placed in the jail and given the bash shell as a shell.
The next step would be to remove all the commands in the /jail/bin/ directories etc so that they are not able to execute any commands.
Am I on the right path here? What would you suggest?
Also...I see that it will give them many command not found do I remove these.
Is there any other shell I could look at giving them that would not let them do anything?
You could set their shell to something like /bin/true, or maybe a simple script that will output an informational message, and then have them logon using ssh -N (see the ssh manual page). I believe that allows them to use portforwarding without having an actuall shell on the system.
The equivalent of ssh -N in PuTTY is checking the "Don't start a shell or command at all" checkbox in its SSH configuration tab (Connection->SSH).
As an alternative to this you could use a script that enters an infinite sleep loop. Until it is interrupted using Ctrl-C the connection will remain alive. I just tried this:
echo "DNSH: Do-Nothing Shell"
while sleep 3600; do :; done
If you use this as a shell (preferrably with a more helpful message) your users will be able to use port-forwarding without an actual shell and without having to know about ssh -N and friends.