When retrieving a collection of objects from CoreData via a relationship, swift is giving me an NSSet rather than an array as i would have expected.
Is there a way i can convert the set into an array?
var updateExercise : UserExercise?
destinationViewController?.userExerciseSets = self.updateExercise?.exercisesets as? [UserExerciseSet]
the cautions are
Cast from 'NSSet?' to unrelated type '[UserExerciseSet]' always fails
Destination VC has the var : var userExerciseSets : [UserExerciseSet]?
You should define your NSManagedObject model as such:
class UserExercise: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var exercises: Set<Exercise>!
Then when you need an array, you can simply use the Array's constructor that takes a set.
let exercises = Array(userExercise.exercises)