Here are my two tables
and the result table i want from LINQ query is
This result table contain companies name with there total buy and sold shares.
So far I code is:
var userHistoryAll = from buy in db.share_bought_history
join sold in db.share_sold_history
on buy.regist_id equals sold.regist_id
select new
} into combine
group combine by
into final
select new
cName = final.FirstOrDefault(),
uBuy = final.Sum(x =>,
uSold = final.Sum(x => x.sold.no_of_sahre)
but I can't get desired result.
The problem is that your data doesn't have a unique key to join on (at least that's my opinion)
So first make the groub by then the join.
I personally prefer the lambda syntax but you can transform it:
var buyGroub = BuyShare.GroubBy(x=>x.Id)
.Select(x=> new
name = x.Name,
buy = x.Sum(s => s.Share)
var soldGroub = SoldShare.GroubBy(x=>x.Id)
.Select(x=> new
name = x.Name,
sold = x.Sum(s => s.Share)
Now you can present however you like
var result = buyGroub.Join(soldGroub,
(a,b)=>new {a.Name , , b.sold});
Edit: to get the records which are in list1 and not in list2 and the other way around you'll need to perform an operation called full outer join .. check the accepted answer it has two arrays which are equivalent to your 2 lists