I wanted to do a regression on a set of data A(k1,k2)
, however I wanted limit it regression within a range of -K1<k1<K1
and -K2<k<K2
. A
is an image phase consist of 60x60
matrix, with dimension of MxN
. Least squares approximation to be done by 0.1N/2 from the center of normalized frequency area of A
Here's the portion of the code:
[m, n]=size(A);
[M,N] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n);
X = [M(:), N(:)];
B=regress(A(:), X); %regression will be done on all the values of A, part where adjustment needed
You can first select the subset of your matrix on which you want to perform the regression:
% generate the full image
[m, n]=size(A_full);
% select the part you want,
% it is not very clear to me if this is really the part you want,
% but I think you will be able to change it to your needs
A=A_full(floor(m/2-0.1*m/2):ceil(m/2+0.1*m/2), floor(n/2-0.1*n/2):ceil(n/2+0.1*n/2));
% perform the regression on the selected part of A (like you did it)
[m, n]=size(A);
[M,N] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n);
X = [M(:), N(:)];
B=regress(A(:), X); %regression will be done on all the values of A, part where adjustment needed