I created two seperate schemas for payments
collection and memberProfile
. Now I need to create a quickform so I could load all the payments relevant to a unique memberProfile.
//The code for memberPayment collection
MemberProfiles = new Mongo.Collection('memberProfiles');
RecipeSchema = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
type: String,
label: "Name"
desc: {
type: String,
label: "Description"
type: [PaymentSchema],
autoValue: function () {
return Payments.find({ memberId="uniqueId"});
defaultValue: function () {
return Payments.find({memberId="uniqueId"});
// The code for payments collection
PaymentSchema = new SimpleSchema({
type: String
type: String
type: String
This code doesn't work.
Looks like you're missing the schema attribute. Any autoform needs to take in a schema attribute that explicitly tells autoform to use that schema to generate the necessary form. Check this page out for demos using autoform.
{{> quickForm collection="theMongoCollection" id="theFormID" schema="theSchemaName" type="typeOfForm" }}