Given a Map<String, Either<Boolean, Integer>
, what's the most straightforward way to convert it to a Map<String, Boolean>
containing only the entries with boolean values?
Right now I have this:
Map<String, Boolean> boolMap = eitherMap
.filter(entry -> entry._2.isLeft())
.map((key, value) -> Tuple.of(key, value.getLeft())
This works, but seems unnecessarily wordy, and it seems like there should be some tighter, one-step, “flatmap that 💩” solution.
Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Javaslang
Here is a solution based on javaslang-2.1.0-alpha. We take advantage of the fact that Either is right-biased. Because we focus on the left values, we swap the Either. The flatMap iterates then over the Either, if it contains a boolean.
import javaslang.collection.Map;
import javaslang.control.Either;
import static javaslang.API.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, Either<Boolean, Integer>> map = Map(
"a", Left(true),
"b", Right(1),
"c", Left(false));
Map<String, Boolean> result =
map.flatMap((s, e) -> e.swap().map(b -> Tuple(s, b)));
// = HashMap((a, true), (c, false))
You achieve the same in javaslang-2.0.5 by using static factory methods like Tuple.of(s, b)