I am trying to render object instances in django templates the way forms do it. So somewhere in a view an object instance gets created: my_object = MyObject()
and passed to the template in the context: context['my_object'] = my_object
When the template is processed, the __str__()
method of MyObject
is called to create a string to be filled in. For MyObject
it looks something like this:
def __str__(self):
""" Render template """
return mark_safe(
render_to_string(self.template, {'options': self.options})
Since the object's template would like to add code to the CSS and JS blocks using sekizai, I need the rendering context. Is there a way (e.g., using an different method) to get this context?
I'm afraid that is not possible and it's not the Django way!
What I would do is this:
folder too).__str__(self)
to return a required
field or something else.include it
like this: {% include 'mymodel_repr.html' with obj=obj_i_want_to_print %}
.With this method you are seperating the business from the presentation.
Hope this helps you!