My website is hosted by It is working in all browsers (Moz, Opera and mobile) except desktop chrome. There is no error in W3C validator and all path and links are correctly written. What maybe a reason?
The culprit here is AdBlock. More precisely, EasyList filter list that is applied to AdBlock's filter sets by default.
There's a following rule inside that set which says: Block any resource where URL matches to /adx
, but not for domains
In your case it matches a part of your domain name: http://adx
You can find every blocked resource on AdBlock tab in your browser's Developer Tools.
The best way to solve this is to contact EasyList authors and inform them about incorrectly blocked content. According to their website, the preferred way is to write on their forum (registration is not required).
Another way is to serve every resource (styles, scripts, images) from different domain that will not get caught up in the filter.
Yet another way, tho not recommended, is to ignore this issue or entirely change your domain name.