I am having a very difficult time trying to track down an error when calling Googles $client->refreshToken()
The server is returning a ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE 324 run time error, but I cant seem to catch the error.
Here is my code:
$ref = $this->client->getRefreshToken();
try {
$this->client->refreshToken($ref); // <<<<<<<<<<<<ERROR HERE
} catch (\Exception $e) {
print_r( $e );
print_r( $this );
return false;
The problem was a recently published an update to the NSS package for CentOS 7 systems which was resulting in an Aache error
/usr/sbin/httpd: symbol lookup error: /lib64/libnsssysinit.so: undefined symbol: PR_GetEnvSecure
The issue was resolved by restarting the Apache and FPM services.