when I add two exponential number in JavaScript they look like that 1e-32e-3 not 3e-3. This is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form> <input id="a" type="tel">
<p></p> <input id="clickMe" type="button" value="=" onclick="myFun();" />
<p id="x"></p>
<p id="y"></p>
function myFun() {
var a = document.getElementById("a").value;
var x = parseFloat(Math.pow(10, -a)).toExponential();
var y = x + x;
document.getElementById("x").innerHTML = "x = " + x;
document.getElementById("y").innerHTML = "x + x = " + y;
If the input was 2.7 then x = 1.995262314968879e-3 and x + x = 1.995262314968879e-31.995262314968879e-3
And sorry if my English is bad.
How to fix it?
move the .toExponential() to the display of the number to allow the calculation to occur.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input id="a" type="tel">
<input id="clickMe" type="button" value="=" onclick="myFun();"/>
<p id="x"></p>
<p id="y"></p>
function myFun() {
var a = document.getElementById("a").value;
var x = parseFloat(Math.pow(10, -a));
var y = x + x;
document.getElementById("x").innerHTML="x = " + x.toExponential();
document.getElementById("y").innerHTML="x + x = " + y.toExponential();