I've have an issue with CloudSearch'ing by email
For example, my search query is host/search?predicate=aleks@email.com
I have defined string ${predicate}* | ${predicate}
as my query and I've been trying to search in email fields. As a result I've been getting response only in case if I've been trying to query either part before "@" sign (alex
) or full request (alex@email.com
) all the time.
I've reserched CloudSearch limits, but I didn't figure it out finally: is it possible to pass Strings with "@" sign? Is there anybody who solved that problem?
Is predicate field text
or literal
?. It looks like it is text right now so cloudsearch stems the email thats why it will be stemed and stored as aleks email com
thus aleks
or email
works when you search. You can make email field literal
type so that cloudsearch doesn't stem in that case query will work for ale*
, alek*
so you can use ${predicate}* | ${predicate}
Note: literal
will be case sensitive search so u might have to downcase value before sending to cloudsearch if you want case insensitive search