Writing python program to fetch existing Neo4j
node and update properties using py2neov3 package
Movie node has title & year properties. Have a python dictionary with list of movies to be added.
I have tried below options, movie node is getting added. But year property is not updated.
Option#1: Use Py2neo OGM. Start transaction, create Movie object, populate title, invoke merge, populate year, invoke push, finally commit
Option#2: Instead of OGM (Commented code below), use Node function, invoke merge and push.
I have done with above mentioned options, but it didn't work for me. Python version 3.5.2
tx = gdb.begin() ##gdb is Graph object
for x in moviedict.keys():
m1 = Movie()
m1.title = moviedict[x]['title']
m1.year = moviedict[x]['year']
"""Option2 for x in moviedict.keys():
m1 = Node('Movie',title=moviedict[x]['title'])
m1['year'] = moviedict[x]['year']
Can anyone help me on this issue?
Your help is much appreciated.
Best Regards.
I didn't use dictionaries, because I wanted the example to be both short and runnable
import py2neo
import py2neo.ogm
from py2neo import Graph
from py2neo.ogm import GraphObject, Property
class Movie(GraphObject):
__primarykey__ = "title"
title = Property()
released = Property()
def authenticateAndConnect():
py2neo.authenticate('localhost:7474', 'user', 'password')
return Graph('http://localhost:7474/default.graphdb/data/')
def foo():
graph = authenticateAndConnect()
movie = Movie.select(graph).where("_.title = 'The Matrix Reloaded'").first()
movie.released = 2017
if __name__ == '__main__':