I want to separate my output with a newline, so I tried:
xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//node01" -v 'concat(@title,"\n",script/code)' -n input.xml
However, what is printed is the "\n" literal value and the output is on same line. How do I force a newline within the concat() function?
A sample input.xml is:
<aaa>This is a test</aaa>
<node01 title="howdy">
<code>function idoit() {
console.log("hello world");
And when I run, the output is:
howdy\nfunction idoit() {
console.log("hello world");
You can give a literal newline in the argument, the syntax for this is shell-specific.
This should work in any POSIX sh
xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//node01" -v 'concat(@title,"
",script/code)' -n input.xml
In bash, you can use $'ANSI C Quoting':
xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//node01" -v $'concat(@title,"\n",script/code)' -n input.xml
Another trick which is not shell-specific is to set an XPATH variable with newline as the value:
xmlstarlet sel -t --var nl -n -b -m "//node01" -v 'concat(@title,$nl,script/code)' -n input.xml