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Ui Grid Angular JS : Export all Visible Data when using Built in Pagination

I'm working on a website using angularJS and UI Grid. I display some datas i receive from my backend , with ui grid. Since i have a lot of data, i use the ui grid paganation. I can filter and hide columns.

When i try to "export all visible data" , only the current page is exported.

It may be normal since other pages aren't visible, but i would like to find a solution to export all my filtered data, and not only the current page .

I can't find something like this in Ui Grid Docs



  • In answer to your question, this is how you'd export not only your current page, but all your filtered data.

    var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pagination', 'ui.grid.exporter']);
    app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'uiGridExporterService', 'uiGridExporterConstants',
      function($scope, uiGridExporterService, uiGridExporterConstants) {
        $scope.export = function() {
          var exportData = [];
          var exportColumnHeaders = $scope.gridOptions.showHeader ? uiGridExporterService.getColumnHeaders($scope.gridApi.grid, uiGridExporterConstants.VISIBLE) : [];
          angular.forEach($scope.gridApi.grid.rows, function(row) {
            if (row.visible) {
              var values = [];
              angular.forEach(exportColumnHeaders, function(column) {
                var value = row.entity[];
                  value: value
          var csvContent = uiGridExporterService.formatAsCsv(exportColumnHeaders, exportData, ',');
          uiGridExporterService.downloadFile($scope.gridOptions.exporterCsvFilename, csvContent, $scope.gridOptions.exporterOlderExcelCompatibility);
        $scope.gridOptions = {
          enableFiltering: true,
          paginationPageSizes: [5, 10, 15],
          paginationPageSize: 5,
          exporterCsvFilename: 'filteredData.csv',
          onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) {
            $scope.gridApi = gridApi;
          columnDefs: [{name: 'FirstName'}, {name: 'LastName'}, {name: 'Job'}],
          data: [{"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Tim", "LastName": "Harker", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"},
                 {"FirstName": "Sonny", "LastName": "Jayet", "Job": "Stack Overflow User"}]
    button {
      margin-bottom: 10px;
    div[ui-grid] {
      height: 280px;
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
    <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
      <button ng-click="export()">Export Filtered &amp; Paged Grid</button>
      <div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-pagination ui-grid-exporter class="grid"></div>

    UPDATE: PDF export, and custom grid menu options.

    Code to decide on PDF or CSV export:

    var content;
    if (format=="csv") {
      content = uiGridExporterService.formatAsCsv(exportColumnHeaders, exportData, ',');
      uiGridExporterService.downloadFile($scope.gridOptions.exporterCsvFilename, content, $scope.gridOptions.exporterOlderExcelCompatibility);
    } else {
      content = uiGridExporterService.prepareAsPdf($scope.gridApi.grid, exportColumnHeaders, exportData);

    Grid option code to hide existing menu options and add custom menu options.

    enableGridMenu: true,
    exporterMenuCsv: false,
    exporterMenuPdf: false,
    gridMenuCustomItems: [{
      title: 'CSV Export (Filtered & Paged Grid)',
      action: function() {
      order: 210
    }, {
      title: 'PDF Export (Filtered & Paged Grid)',
      action: function() {
      order: 250

    Here's a working Plunker,

    Let me know if you have any further questions.