I have created a three page flexdashboard with 3-4 tabs within each page (utilizing rmarkdown). My goal is to include a dashboard overview page that has a description on how to navigate the application and information on how to contact me. However, I haven't figured out how I can insert something that looks like a typical rmarkdown format into flexdashboard? When I look at formats for flexdashboard they only include charts ie code chunks. Is there a way to include a few paragraphs of text with headers, bullets, and links into a flexdashboard page?
It's pretty similar to markdown. Here's an example with 3 tabs & text in the first tab - it has a header, text, a link, and bullets:
Column {.tabset}
### Text
#### this is a header
This is text [link](http://www.example.com)
- one
- two
- three
### Table
### Plot