I observed a difference in Z3's quantifier triggering behaviour (I tried 4.4.0 and that I cannot explain. Consider the following program:
(set-option :auto_config false)
(set-option :smt.mbqi false)
(declare-datatypes () ((Snap
(Snap.combine (Snap.first Snap) (Snap.second Snap))
(declare-fun fun (Snap Int) Bool)
(declare-fun bar (Int) Int)
(declare-const s1 Snap)
(declare-const s2 Snap)
(assert (forall ((i Int)) (!
(> (bar i) 0)
:pattern ((fun s1 i))
(assert (fun s2 5))
(assert (not (> (bar 5) 0)))
(check-sat) ; unsat
As far as my understanding goes, the unsat
is unexpected: Z3 should not be able to trigger the forall
since it is guarded by the pattern (fun s1 i)
, and Z3 should not be able (and actually isn't) to prove that s1 = s2
In contrast, if I declare Snap
to be an uninterpreted sort, then the final check-sat
yields unknown
- which is what I would expect:
(set-option :auto_config false)
(set-option :smt.mbqi false)
(declare-sort Snap 0)
(check-sat) ; unknown
If I assume s1
and s2
to be different, i.e.
(assert (not (= s1 s2)))
then the final check-sat
yields unknown
in both cases.
For convenience, here is the example on rise4fun.
Q: Is the difference in behaviour a bug, or is it intended?
The assertion (not (= s1 s2)) is essential. With pattern based quantifier instantiation, the pattern matches if the current state of the search satisfies s1 = s2. In the case of algebraic data-types, Z3 tries to satisfy formulas with algebraic data-types by building a least model in terms of constructor applications. In the case of Snap as an algebraic data-type the least model for s1, s2 have them both as Snap.unit. At that point, the trigger is enabled because the terms E-match. In other words, modulo the congruences, the variable I can be instantiated such that (fun s1 I) matches (fun s2 5), but setting I <- 5. After the trigger is enabled, the quantifier is instantiated and the axiom
(=> (forall I F(I)) (F(5)))
is added (where F is the formula under the quantifier).
This then enables to infer the contradiction and infer unsat.
When Snap is uninterpreted, Z3 attempts to construct a model where terms s1 and s2 are different. Since there is nothing to force these terms to be equal they remain distinct