f[x_,y_,z_] := Sqrt[3x+1]+Sqrt[3y+1]+Sqrt[3z+1]
I want to get the minimum of f for x>=0&&y>=0&&z>=0&&x+y+z==1 using mathematica.
PS: I do know how to get the minimum by math method:
Since 0<=x<=1,0<=y<=1,0<=z<=1, we have
3a+1 >= a^2 + 2a + 1 = (a+1)^2, where a in {x,y,z}.
f[x,y,z] >= x+1+y+1+z+1 = 4,
Where the equality holds if and only if (x==0&&y==0||z==1)||...
PS2: I expected the following code would work, but it did't.
Actually, as Simon point out, it works ... The running time is longer than I expected and I closed it before Mahtematica show me the result.
Is this what you want?
In[1]:= f[x_,y_,z_]:=Sqrt[3x+1]+Sqrt[3y+1]+Sqrt[3z+1]
In[2]:= Minimize[{f[x,y,z],x>=0,y>=0,z>=0,x+y+z==1},{x,y,z}]
Out[2]= {4,{x->1,y->0,z->0}}
Note that the Documentation says "Even if the same minimum is achieved at several points, only one is returned" so you will have to impose the permutation symmetry of the problem yourself.
PS You can turn this into a Lagrange Multiplier problem
In[3]:= Thread[D[f[x,y,z] - \[Lambda](x+y+z-1), {{x,y,z,\[Lambda]}}]==0];
{f[x,y,z],D[f[x, y, z], {{x, y, z}, 2}]}/.ToRules[%]
Out[4]= x==1/3&&y==1/3&&z==1/3&&\[Lambda]==3/(2 Sqrt[2])
Out[5]= {3 Sqrt[2],{{-(9/(8 Sqrt[2])),0,0},{0,-(9/(8 Sqrt[2])),0},{0,0,-(9/(8 Sqrt[2]))}}}
and see that the only stationary point is the maximum at x=y=z=1/3. Thus the minimum must lie on the boundary. You can then use similar code but restricted to the boundary to eventually find the correct result.