I have a DataFrame representing player, team and win. What I would like to do is create a new DataFrame where team is the index and whether player x was in that team is represented, and if that team won.
pd.DataFrame(data=[['Team A', 1], ['Team B', 0], ['Team B', 0], ['Team A', 1]], columns=['TEAM', 'WIN'], index=['Player 1', 'Player 2', 'Player 3', 'Player 4'])
Player 1 Team A 1
Player 2 Team B 0
Player 3 Team B 0
Player 4 Team A 1
desired result:
pd.DataFrame(data=[[1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]], columns=['Player 1', 'Player 2', 'Player 3', 'Player 4', 'WIN'], index=['Team A', 'Team B'])
Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 WIN
Team A 1 1 0 0 1
Team B 0 0 1 1 0
IIUC you can use pivot_table()
In [96]: df.reset_index().pivot_table(index='TEAM', columns='index', values='WIN', fill_value=0)
index Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4
Team A 1 0 0 1
Team B 0 0 0 0