I have this SSIS script task code copied from a site. I'm trying to avoid FTP failed error when the folder is empty. Does not need to a specific name file. The code below is for specific filename. How to make the filename a wildcard?
Public Sub Main()
Dim StrFolderArrary As String()
Dim StrFileArray As String()
Dim fileName As String
Dim RemoteDirectory As String
RemoteDirectory = Dts.Variables("User::RemoteFolder").Value.ToString()
Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections("FTPConnection") 'FTP connection manager name
Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))
ftp.Connect() 'Connecting to FTP Server
ftp.SetWorkingDirectory(RemoteDirectory) 'Provide the Directory on which you are working on FTP Server
ftp.GetListing(StrFolderArrary, StrFileArray) 'Get all the files and Folders List
'If there is no file in the folder, strFile Arry will contain nothing, so close the connection.
If StrFileArray Is Nothing Then
Dts.Variables("User::Flag").Value = 0
'If Files are there, Loop through the StrFileArray arrary and insert into table
For Each fileName In StrFileArray
If fileName = Dts.Variables("User::FileName").Value.ToString() Then
Dts.Variables("User::Flag").Value = 1
End If
End If
' Add your code here
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
first it is better to add the following Validation to the If
If StrFileArray Is Nothing OrElse _
StrFileArray.length = 0 Then
Filter using Linq (need to import System.Linq
If StrFileArray.Where(Function(x) x.equals(Dts.Variables("User::FileName").Value)).ToList().Count() > 0 Then
Dts.Variables("User::Flag").Value = 1
End If
After reading your comment
If StrFileArray.Where(Function(x) x.StartsWith("Abc") AndAlso x.EndsWith(".txt")).ToList().Count() > 0 Then
Dts.Variables("User::Flag").Value = 1
End If