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Azure. How to deploy custom file referenced by DSC

I'm building an Azure RM Template that will install DSC on a target VM. DSC must use a .bacpac file. How can I upload that file to a target VM? How can I make it to be downloaded by target VM from GitHub and placed on a specific folder? The DSC configuration looks like this:


  • Something like this:

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration,xPSDesiredStateConfiguration,xDatabase
    Node $nodeName
            RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
        xRemoteFile BacPacPackage
            Uri             = ""
            DestinationPath = "c:\where_to_put_it"
            MatchSource     = $false
        xDatabase DeployBacPac
            Ensure = "Present"
            SqlServer = $nodeName
            SqlServerVersion = $SqlServerVersion
            DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
            Credentials = $credential # credentials to access SQL
            BacPacPath = "c:\path_from_previous command"
            DependsOn = "[xRemoteFile]BacPacPackage"