I have written some server-side code to use firebase-queue](https://github.com/firebase/firebase-queue) for scalability, however, with the release of Cloud Functions for Firebase (and its promise of automatic scalability), I am wondering if there is any need for Queue...Has anyone out there combined these two technologies to a greater purpose? Specifically to Firebase developers like @Frank van Puffelen, will Functions replace firebase-queue?
firebaser here
I'm not sure if firebase-queue is not obsolete. Time will have to tell.
But we definitely now use Cloud Functions for Firebase in a lot of scenarios where we'd previously have used firebase-queue and a node worker process. No longer needing to bring our own Node.js process gives an increase in development speed. The auto-scaling of Cloud Functions has proven to be invaluable already.
Combining Cloud Functions with firebase-queue seems illogical. If you simply append nodes to the database and consume them in your function, you have the same behavior without needing the extra library.
Update: one of our database engineers just gave a scenario where Functions can't replace the queue. When making backups, the workers need to mount and unmount remote disks. That task may be possible in a Cloud Function, it is much easier to do in a standalone, self-managed Node process.