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Select many columns and other non-continuous columns to find duplicate?

I have a dataset with many columns like this:

ID  Indicator Name   C1 C2 C3....C90
 A    0001    Black   0  1  1.....0
 B    0001    Blue    1  0  0.....1
 B    0002    Blue    1  0  0.....1

Some of the IDs are duplicates because the indicator is different, but they're essentially the same record. To find duplicates, I want to select distinct ID, Name and then C1 through C90 to check because some claims who have the same Id and indicator have different C1...C90 values.

Is there a way to select c1...c90 either through proc sql or a sas data step? It seems the only way I can think of is to set the dataset and then drop the non essential columns, but in the actual dataset, it's not only Indicator but at least 15 other columns.


  • It would be nice if PROC SQL used the : variable name wildcard like other Procs do. When no other alternative is reasonable, I usually use a macro to select bulk columns. This might work for you:

    %macro sel_C(n);
        %do i=1 %to %eval(&n.-1);
    %mend sel_C;
    proc sql;
        select ID,
        from have_data;