I'm running the Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09.1 (HVM), SSD Volume Type
I've run:
yum update
yum install php70
yum install php70-gd php70-mysqlnd php70-fpm php70-pecl-apcu php7-pear php70-devel
yum install php70-soap
When do do a
php -v
apachectl -V
Server version: Apache/2.4.25 (Amazon)
but when I try to run 'pecl' I get "command not found"
I've confirmed that each package was installed. Not sure what package I'm missing.
it's pecl7
not pecl
try to run you command using pecl7 install xxx
if the problem still exists, run pear7 config-set php_suffix -7.0 system
and check again.