I am starting to delve into Octopus Deploy and setting up my first deployment but I've ran into a bit of a snag. I have tried to be as specific as possible in lieu of finding someone who has experienced this same problem more recently. "This is not a new problem. See -reseach"
The setup
My continuous integration stack is comprised of TFS, TeamCity and now Octopus. My deployment process:
The problem
This has happened in the past on versions prior to 3.0.7 where it was fixed. Link to bug thread 1.
Then it started happening again at some point prior to version 3.4.15 where it was fixed. Link to bug thread 2.
Any help, fix, or workaround will be greatly appropriated. If there is a detail that I'm missing I will be more than happy to clarify.
This may very well be a rookie mistake when it comes to Octopus. The error shown in the question is in fact a result of the deployment package not being found. The following are findings through documentation and trial an error:
Octopus Server (built in) is a push feed only. Meaning that packages can be uploaded to this feed but not consumed.
To consume Octopus' server local packages, namely the packages previously pushed to Octopus Server (built in) from say TeamCity, you have to serve those packages yourself.
You can server those packages through Octopus by creating an external feed that points to the server's package default path: C:\Octopus\Packages
Most Importanly, and the fix to the error!