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Is Close() same as Using statement

Is Close() same as Dispose() or using statement. Is it necessary to call using statement even if Close is called?.

I know before disposing of an object, close should be called, so we close the resource and may it available to Dispose.

says Close is same as Dispose.


  • Is Close() same as Using statement?

    No it is not.

    Should you call Close() after a using?

    No, it will break due to access to the disposed object.

    Should I call Close() before exiting the using block?

    It's complicated. If the IDisposable interface is implemented correctly: no. Otherwise: possibly.

    Close() has no relation to IDisposable interface, see:

    using only applies to IDisposable inherited objects, see:

    Thus: Close() and Dispose() may not considered to be related in any way.

    When the IDisposable interface is correctly implemented, you may assume all clean-up necessary will be carried out. This implies an internal call to a Close() method would be carried out. This means that an explicit call to Close() should not be necessary.

    The other way round; when a object is of type IDisposable and exposes a Close() method, a call to Close() will not be sufficient to properly dispose/clean-up the object. Dispose() must still be called, you can do this directly, or through the using statement.

    You can also let the garbage-collector handle the Dispose() call for you (if its correctly implemented, see: Proper use of the IDisposable interface) But this is considered bad-practice, since you need to rely on a proper implementation and have no direct control over the GC timing.

    Please note, a reason to implement a Close() function, is usually to give a developer a way to reuse the object. After calling Dispose() the object is considered to be marked for finalization and may not be used any more.