Currently I'm using google maps utils to implement markers and their clustering in the map.
The question is that I want only some of those markers to count for the total sum of the cluster density.
I was looking to make the decision process based on the markers tag, but I can't seem to find no way to alter the total marker count in each cluster.
Is there any way to do this?
Thank you
In your ClusterRenderer
override onBeforeClusterRendered
as follows:
protected void onBeforeClusterRendered(Cluster<MyClusterItem> cluster,
MarkerOptions markerOptions) {
// Calculate totalSum by checking the color of item
int totalSum = 0;
for (MyClusterItem item : cluster) {
// Assume each MyClusterItem holds an attribute -- String color --.
// Also, assume you can get this attribute by using the following method.
if (item.getColorAsString().equals("red")) {
// Write a method to customize your cluster drawable according to totalSum.
Drawable customDrawable = customizeClusterDrawable(totalSum);
Bitmap icon = mClusterIconGenerator.makeIcon(String.valueOf(cluster.getSize()));