In the attempt to pipe to a Bash function, I wrote this:
example () {
if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then local S=${@:-$(</dev/stdin)}; else local S="$1"; fi
#echo "$S"
echo "$S" | tr ' ' '_'
echo 'Moizès Júnior' | example
example 'Moizès Júnior'
However, in another context I am receiving the correct output plus this error message: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)".
Trying to debug it I ask if there is something wrong the way I am writing the code inside the function in order to get STDIN.
Thanks a lot.
If bash
is responsible for the core dump, that certainly indicates a bug in bash
that should be reported. However, your function can be written more simply as
example () {
local S
if (( "$#" == 0 )); then
IFS= read -r S
set -- "$S"
echo "${1// /_}"
which may, at least, avoid the bug.