I have created the first scene of my small project. Now I want to move to the second scene of the app. The start one is called startScene, the second one playScene. Here is the code of the class linked to the first scene:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class dragMain extends MovieClip {
public function dragMain() {
// funzione per settare il messaggio di benvenuto
function setWelcomeMessage(): void {
// TextField contenete il messaggio di benvenuto
var welcomeMessage: TextField = new TextField();
// formattazione per il messaggio di benvenuto
var welcomeFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana", 40, 0xFF0000);
// imposto il testo da visualizzare
welcomeMessage.text = "Welcome, click the button to start playing";
welcomeMessage.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
// cerco di centrare il testo ad occhio nella schermata
welcomeMessage.x = 500;
// applico la formattazione al testo
// aggiungo il testo allo stage
// funzione che disegnera' la freccia
function drawArrow(): void {
// Sprite che conterra' la freccia disegnata
var arrow: Sprite = new Sprite();
arrow.graphics.moveTo(800, 100); //500,500 // 200,200
arrow.graphics.lineTo(1000, 100); //700,500 // 400,200
arrow.graphics.lineTo(1000, 550); //700,950 // 400,650
arrow.graphics.lineTo(1100, 550); //800,950 // 500,650
arrow.graphics.lineTo(900, 700); //600,1100// 300,800
arrow.graphics.lineTo(700, 550); //400,950 // 100,650
arrow.graphics.lineTo(800, 550); //500,950 // 200,650
arrow.graphics.lineTo(800, 100); //500,500 // 200,200
// funzione per creare il bottone
function createStartButton(): void {
var button: Sprite = new Sprite();
button.graphics.moveTo(700, 800);
button.graphics.lineTo(1100, 800);
button.graphics.lineTo(1100, 1000);
button.graphics.lineTo(700, 1000);
button.graphics.lineTo(700, 800);
var clickMeMessage: TextField = new TextField();
clickMeMessage.x = 855;
clickMeMessage.y = 865;
var welcomeFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana", 40, 0x000000);
// imposto il testo da visualizzare
clickMeMessage.text = "click me!";
clickMeMessage.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
// applico la formattazione al testo
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(evt: MouseEvent): void {
gotoAndPlay(1, "playWindow");
When I click the button that I created through code I'm always on the startScene and I can't move to the playScene. I have got a frame on startScene and a frame on playScene. What's the problem and how can I solve it? Thank you!
First things first.
You have done gotoAndPlay so it will keep iterating between all the scenes on frame 1
If you don't want all the stuffs you have added on start scene you should remove them or set their visibility to false because addchild adds the object to the stage
This is what i did.I made the following variables global
var welcomeMessage: TextField;
var button: Sprite;
var clickMeMessage: TextField;
var arrow: Sprite;
and changed the onclick function a bit
function onClick(evt: MouseEvent): void {
button.visible = false;
clickMeMessage.visible = false;
arrow.visible = false;
welcomeMessage.visible = false;
gotoAndStop(1, "playScene");
well i think this should work