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Assign SwiftyJSON object to a String Array

Im working on a project in swift 3 and to call web services I use AlamoreFire and SwiftyJASON (pods). The Format as Bellow

    APIManager.apiGet(serviceName:appURLs.mainBaseURL+appURLs.testingPureLight, parameters: params) { (json:JSON?, error:NSError?) in
            if error != nil{

                print("error:",error as Any)



Therefore, I'm getting a Json response with type of JSON, thus,I get the following structure as my response.

  "media": [ {
    "key" : "value" 
     { "Object1":"somevalue" 


     { "Object3":"somevalue" 

  } ]

My requirement is to catch this "Objectarray" and assign it to a string array so I could use it to populate in my UITableVIew. How could I achieve this ?


  • You can get your Objectarray this way.

    var objects = [String]() 
    if let jsonResponse = json,
       let objectArray = jsonResponse["media"][0]["Objectarray"].arrayValue {
        for object in objectArray {
            let object1 = object["Object1"].stringValue