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.NET Core app unable to start in IIS due to ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : 80008083

I have a .NET Core application. It runs locally with VS2017 and Kestrel. It runs locally under IIS. However, on the server it fails to start with a 502.5 - Process Failure message.

In the event logs I get more detail:

Application '...' with physical root 'C:...\my-app-folder\' failed to start process with commandline '"dotnet" .\MyApp.dll', ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : 80008083.

Previous builds of the application work fine on the same server, the only difference being that they were published with VS2017RC (2&3) and this is the first build with the fully released VS2017.

What does ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : 80008083. mean?

How do I fix it?


  • As VS2017 RC is shipped with the new version of .NET Core SDK (.NET Core 1.0.4 SDK 1.0.1), you need to update framework on server as well.