I don't know if this is even possible but I'd like to be able to take a set of points, run something on them that calculates the moments, skew and kurtosis values, and have another function that would take those elements and reverse engineer a new set of points using modified values for the moments, skew and/or kurtosis. I already have the analytical function in Delphi Pro 6 which is:
procedure MomentSkewKurtosis(const Data: array of Double;var M1, M2, M3, M4, Skew,Kurtosis: Extended);
I'm looking for a partner function that could return a new Data array after I make alterations to any of the output parameters "var" in MomentSkewKurtosis()
and pass them back in to the partner function as input parameters. For example, suppose I wanted to increase the Skew of the data and get a new set of points back that would be the original set of points altered just enough to generate the new Skew value.
The problem is not easy, and probably better targetted at stats, but I'll give you a pointer to a paper that I think is very good, and straight to the mark: Towards the Optimal Reconstruction of a Distribution from its Moments
Hope this helps!