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How can I run an autosys job without running dependents?

I wish to make a change to an autosys job. After I make the change:

  1. I want to test it by running it in isolation without running any dependents.
  2. After I have finished testing, I want it to be in a "normal" state; i.e. so that it (and its dependents) run automatically as usual the next day.

This seems like a pretty elementary requirement for a scheduling system.

Realistically the only way to satisfy #1 seems to be to put the dependents ON_HOLD for the duration of the test.

The trouble is that when I take them off hold at the end (for #2), they will immediately check their conditions and run - this violates requirement #1.

I could instead try satisfying condition #2 by setting them to INACTIVE, but I'm told that doing so immediately sets the box such a job may be in to SUCCESS - which presumably may again trigger dependents, violating #1.

Any thoughts?


  • Set all the dependents to SUCCESS before running the job.