For a homework assignment, I need to return the remainder after dividing num1 by num2 WITHOUT using the built-in modulo (%) operator. I'm able to get most tests to pass with the following code, but I'm stuck on how to account for -/+ signs of the given numbers. I need to carry over whichever sign is on num1, and also return a positive number if the num2 is negative - it's blowing my mind how to do this... :) Any clarity would be greatly appreciated! I'm not exactly looking for the straight up answer here, more that I seem to be missing something obvious... Maybe I need a new approach?
function modulo(num1, num2) {
if (num1 === 0) {
return 0;
if (num2 === 0 || isNaN(num1) || isNaN(num2)) {
return NaN;
if (num1 < num2) {
return num1;
if (num1 > 0 && num2 > 0) {
var counter = num1;
while (counter >= Math.abs(num2)) {
counter = counter - num2;
return counter;
var output = modulo(25, 4);
console.log(output); // 1
You might be overthinking this. You basically stated the solution in your question:
I need to carry over whichever sign is on num1, and also return a positive number if the num2 is negative
The second part isn't accurate, but I suspect you just misspoke. A positive number should be returned when num2
is negative unless num1
is negative.
At any rate, the important takeaway is that if num1
is negative the result will be negative, and otherwise the result will be positive. The sign of num2
is discarded.
Starting the code you've written (which others will be quick to point out isn't the simplest solution), the fix is to compute the remainder using both numbers' absolute values, and then apply num1
's original sign to the result.
function modulo(num1, num2) {
var sign = num1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
var dividend = Math.abs(num1);
var divisor = Math.abs(num2);
if (dividend === 0) {
return 0;
if (dividend === 0 || isNaN(dividend) || isNaN(divisor)) {
return NaN;
if (dividend < divisor) {
return sign * dividend;
var counter = dividend;
while (counter >= divisor) {
counter = counter - divisor;
return sign * counter;
console.log( 25 % 4, modulo( 25, 4));
console.log(-25 % 4, modulo(-25, 4));
console.log( 25 % -4, modulo( 25, -4));
console.log(-25 % -4, modulo(-25, -4));