I have a list of Object containing issue number and issue name both belonging to separate table.
issue Number issue name
Rac12345 test User Cannot Login
Rac345544 Logs are not printed
I am getting them in my Controller but in JSP i am not able to render it
my code in JSP
<td><form:select path="issues" items="${unassignedIssueList}"
var="c" itemValue="${c[0]}" itemLabel="${c[1]}" /></td>
<td><form:errors path="issues" cssClass="error" /></td>
how do i render it?
I solved it by doing following
<td><form:select path="issues">
<c:forEach var="list" items="${unassignedIssueList}">
<option value="${list[0]}">${list[1]}</option>