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Vue 2 - Import on demand

import Vue from 'vue'

import { 
        } from 'element-ui'

import App from './App.vue'

Vue.component(, Button)
Vue.component(, Select)

// Used by admin section of the website
Vue.component(, Table)
Vue.component(, Form)

const routes = [
    { path: '/', component: Home },
    { path: '/admin', meta: { requiresAuth: true }, component: Admin},

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App)

I am using the components Button and Select for everyone, but I'm using the Table and Form ones only for the admin page. The admin section is a Vue component that includes others components.

Here is the question. Since I want to optimize the size of the bundle build by Webpack, how could I import import Button and Select by default, but Table and Form just if you reach the admin section ?

I guess I would need to have more than one chunk in Webpack but I'm not sure how to do it.

Thank you


  • I just missed that in the Vue Router documentation

    const Foo = resolve => {
      // require.ensure is Webpack's special syntax for a code-split point.
      require.ensure(['./Foo.vue'], () => {