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Java SWT DateTime: Determine day of Week

I have a DateTime widget with 3/9/2017. Based on the documentation for DateTime, I don't see a way to determine the day of the week. I'll eventually need a string parsed in this format "Wed Feb 22 14:57:34 UTC 2017" from the DateTime widget, but the first step is to get the day of the week. Is there a way to do this outside of making my own function? And if not, what would you recommend as the best approach for the function, since days of the week are not consistent to dates from year to year?

Let me know if you need any addition information.

Thank you!


  • Use java.util.Calendar:

        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        int dayOfWeek = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    • if you need the output to be Tue rather than 3 (Days of week are indexed starting at 1), instead of going through a calendar, just reformat the string: new SimpleDateFormat("EE").format(date) (EE meaning "day of week, short version")
